Online services will continue with the option to live stream on our YouTube channel.
March 21, 2022 version
Cross Roads Be in Christ Church
COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan
Cross Roads Be in Christ Church desires to prioritize the safety of our congregation and community as COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.
Indoor and outdoor services and gatherings may be held at full capacity.
All individuals, including children, will be asked to self-screen for COVID-19 like symptoms prior to arrival.
Pre-registration is no longer required.
Hand Hygiene
Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance with a sign inviting each person to use it upon entry
Soap and water and signage instructing about proper hand washing will be in the washrooms.
Masks are no longer required for indoor or outdoor worship or social gatherings.
If anyone would like to continue wearing a mask we fully support and honour their decision.
Worship Team / on stage protocols
Those involved in indoor, on-stage elements of a live service are no longer required to wear a mask or maintain physical distance.
Baptism / Dedications
Baptisms and dedications may proceed with sensitivity to individual comfort level for COVID-19 precautions.
Weddings / Funerals
Cross Roads’ pastors will officiate at weddings and funerals providing public health guidelines are followed
The Cross Roads’ facility may be used for weddings and funerals.
Indoor singing is permitted by the worship team and congregation.
Worship team members are not required to wear a mask when singing
Communion and Worship Aids
Individually packaged elements will be used for in person communion.
Passing of the offering plate will be suspended. An offering box or basket will be available for cash or cheque donations.
We will encourage online giving yet still accept physical donations of cash and cheques in the offering box / basket or by mail.
Online Worship Option
Online Sunday worship will continue to be made available. We want all people to feel included and have the opportunity to worship with us. Returning to in-person gathering is a personal decision that should only be made when each person is ready.
Children’s Ministry
Children’s ministry programming and special events (indoors and outdoors) may proceed in compliance with public health regulations and the approval of the pastor and or church board.
Youth Ministry
Indoor youth events may occur at the church with at full building capacity.
Self-screening for COVID-19 like symptoms before attending is encouraged.
Social activities and games are to be conducted outdoors when possible.
Small Groups and Social Gatherings
Indoor and outdoor social gatherings may proceed at full capacity.
Access to additional Rooms
The nursery will be available to parents / caregivers of young children.
No formal nursery program will be offered at this time.
Washroom usage
The washrooms will be available for use
Signage about public health requirements and hand hygiene will be posted
Washroom facilities will be disinfected regularly
Cleaning of church surfaces
The church will be cleaned and disinfected weekly by the custodian and spot disinfected as required.
Rental / Non-Church Use of the Church Facility
The church may be rented / used by non-church groups provided COVID-19 health and safety regulations are followed, supervision arrangements are in place, and a cleaning plan has been approved.
If the church building is rented for a non-faith-based purpose the renters must adhere to all Government of Ontario COVID-19 regulations
All rentals / facility use bookings must be approved by the Lead Pastor and or the church board.
People are able to meet outdoors on the grounds
Should someone develop COVID-19 like symptoms while at the Church
If anyone develops potential symptoms of COVID-19 during the service or meeting they should leave the church immediately and self-isolate. It is also advised they follow all guidance and direction from their local public health department.